If you are reading this then you already have a problem with your DPF (diesel particulate filter). Here at Motorque Auto Centre we have a team of dedicated, experienced, professional and competent DPF Cleaning specialists who will take care of the repair from diagnostics to cleaning and refitting and talk you through the whole process.

Common DPF Failure faults are as below

  • DPF light on / In some cases check engine light
  • Car runs in safe mode with no power
  • Bad fuel economy
  • Rough idle
  • Damage to turbo and engine due to restricted exhaust flow
  • Engine flooded with diesel and driving a car with a mixture of car oil and diesel will shorten the life of the engine drastically.

Usually poor maintained car and many short trips leave the soot deposit to not burn properly in exhaust and eventually blocking it.

All these faults require specialist skills, tooling and diagnostic equipment to clean the DPF properly.

Most faults are associated with a failure of the DPF unit clogged. In the Market there are a few routes to get rid of the problem.

If you have already been scared senseless by your local main dealer telling you that you need a new DPF unit. Then take a deep breath because there are several remedies available.

  1. Delete the DPF entirely and mapping it out of the car ECU to fool it of its nonexistence. (Please note currently under UK law it is illegal to drive a car without DPF filter and it is 100% MOT failure) . We highly do not recommend this method.
  2. Usage of harsh acidic chemicals to clean the DPF filter while the DPF is still attached and the technician pours the acidic solution to the dpf and then runs the car so it can burn the chemical along the carbon deposits. While this method will ensure cleaning of the DPF for time being but it is extremely harmful not only to the environment but the precious metal inside the filter itself. The filter will not perform as it was intended to work. We also strongly object to this method.
  3. Taking out the DPF filter and attaching it to a high PSI professional DPF cleaning machine and soak it in non-acidic, non-bio, degradable and environmentally friendly detergent so it the carbon is loose and then flashing it with higher PSI liquid injection to take out the carbon deposit. This process takes around an hour and after this process the DPF is fitted back to the car and any fault codes will be cleared. This will leave the DPF as brand new without damaging it. This is the process we use and we strongly recommend you to talk to your vehicle repairer to use this process for DPF cleaning.

Please call us to make an appointment with us. From that, we will be able to book you in for a repair.


Addressing and cleaning DPF needs the latest specialist DPF cleaning and diagnostics machines which we have on our premises.We are confident that you will be 100% happy with our service.

We don’t pay advertising giants loads of money but instead we rely on our loyal customer base to spread the word and in return we pass that huge savings to them.